"Chikio Hayashi : The Man Who Liked Data" -The Life and Work of a Data Science Founder- published.
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Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis
Outline of SinfonicaMission of the InstituteAs early as around 1990, significant changes in social and socio-economic conditions brought about advanced and diversified needs for statistical information, which is the common property of the nation. At the same time, technologies for communications and information processing advanced at a rapid rate, and there had been a strong desire to apply such technologies to the processing, analysis and dissemination of statistical information.
In response to such conditions, the Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis (Sinfonica) was established as a public foundation under the authorization of the Prime Minister in July 1992 in order to promote effective use of statistical information through research and development activities on processing, analysis and dissemination of statistical information. In 1998, The Institute opened the Osaka Branch to facilitate further promotion of its activities.
In 2012, while celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Institute succeeded in being classified as a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation in the recent reclassification of foundations.
The Institute has been keeping a good relationship with the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan.
What is a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation?
A public interest incorporated foundation is identified as an organization that contributes significantly to the promotion of education or science, advancement of culture, increase in social welfare, and other public interests. An individual or an organization that makes a donation or contribution to such a foundation is entitled to enjoy preferential tax reduction.
Sinfonica is an abbreviation of the name of the Institute:
Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis Activities of the Institute
1. Research and Development Activities
The Institute conducts research and development activities utilizing statistical information and technologies on communications and data processing being funded externally as well as internally. For example, since analysis on small areas is fundamental for various urban/rural development and disaster prevention planning in recent years, the Institute conducts research and development activities on small area statistics utilizing GIS (Geographic Information System). The main subjects of the research are as follows:
The results of research and development activities are published in the Institute’s monthly magazine “Estrela.” “Sinfonica Research Series” are occasionally published (25 volumes to date).
2. Enlightenment activities
The Institute promotes effective and multi-layered use of statistical information. The main activities are as follows:
3. Statistical data processing, statistical consulting and data dissemination
The Institute provides consulting services on information processing and data dissemination of various statistical data.
4 .Other public-interest activities
OrganizationContactsPublic Interest Incorporated Foundation Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis URL / https://www.sinfonica.or.jp/ Copyright (C) 2017 Sinfonica All Rights Reserved.